
Welcome to the Personnell office, where you can find a description of just about any ranger mentioned here in the HQ.

Some of our most Notable members are:

Rangers in Loopland: ( a round robin story)

Starr / Star Ranger:  Defender of Loopland, ( a group story ) Husband of their mayor, and all around great guy.

Cmdr. O-Ral:  Another charecter in the "Da Loop" group story.

THE IA Brigade:  Not all Rangers are Human, after all...


THe Wanderer:  Micheal Thunders.  At first a charecter in a Superhero Role playing game, he is now the star of his own fan fiction series, in which he was cast out from his home universe and is looking to find his way home.

Wilson "Howling Mad" Murdock, a rigger in the Cin City Shadowrun Game.

Shane, A Troll Adept, follower of the Ways of Shao-Lin, who has gotten swept up in the search for the TailChaser

Kilroy "Face" Hardeston:  A conman who got much more than he barganed for in "Tourist Trap:Savitar"

Stimpy:  First mate of a ruthless bunch of CYBERPIRATES

"Doc" Rose:  An aspiring Physican who's life takes an unexpeted turn.

Commander Michael Thunders:  Captain of the Cruiser Thunderchild.
Go back. from whence you came....