Starr / Star Ranger


Main Sysop Terminal: FRED 2001
Main sysop terminal FRED 2001

     I am F.R.E.D. 2001, General Assistant to Starr / Star Ranger.  I've been with him since the beginning, So I guess that makes me the best person to tell you about Starr.  And, in telling that, I'll be telling you about myself as well.

     Starr, like Mondo, was once a member of Loopfleet.  By the time of his retirement, he had risen to the rank of Commander, and had been assigned as an instructor to the Loopfleet Academy.  The Starr of those days was in some ways different from the Starr of today, but still the seeds of what he became were there.  It was during that time that he got together with Doc Satyr and created an astoundingly complex AI system, which they christened FRED.  This was an anacronym for Fantasticly Rediculus Electronic Device.  Personally, I think they were drunk when they came up with that, but thats besides the point.

     Starr's departure from loopfleet came under less than amicable terms, after a failed mission that he was assigned by the Captain Blahnor.  At this time, Starr was a powerfull ESPer, but on that misson people died because of Blahnor's orders of how Starr was to use his powers.  Starr resigned in protest and vowed he would never use his ESPer abilities again.

     Between his savings during his long career, and a few favors that were owed him, after his retirement, Starr was able to purchase the Lancea, an old Penetrator class scout.  The Penetrators were being removed from active service after a long life, to soon be replaced with the new Penetrator II's.  After Starr got through with her, though, this old dog had some really impressive new tricks.

Picture of the Lancea

     Starr eventually made his way to Loopland, arriving not long after the first settlement wave.  He was suprised to run into his old friend, Doc Satyr.  Together, the two worked for quite a while, eventually creating the designs for most of the gismos Starr uses today.  Then the Gnome attacked, and for the first time Starr entered his transformation chamber and became Star Ranger.

      As Star Ranger, Starr has fought in most every major conflict against the gnomian forces.  Its not all been parades and medals, either.  Indeed, at one time the Gnome was belived to be dead, and Starr was questioning his very purpose in life, and even considering leaving loopland.  It was at this time Celese entered his life.  After a large misunderstanding, which Sue pulled off, they were separated for a time while Celese went off to fight on Planet X itself.  Not long after She returned, Starr Proposed to her.  They've been planning their wedding for quite some time, but there always seems to be some crisis that has to be handled first!

Fortuanatly, after the Soulcatcher Incident, Starr and Celese MADE the time to get married.... and that set off a whole NEW string of adventures!!!