Office Of The Commandant

Office of the Commandant.

Welcome to the Office of the Commandant.

I am Ranger Prime, Commander of all you see here.  In this area of cyberspace, I have made the main base for the my corps of Star Rangers.  The Rangers are meant to be explorers, but have also become like unto a Police force on less settled worlds.  Its a dirty Job, but someone has to do it.

The Rangers can be found anywhere where there is something new and exciting.  Always there, always watching.

My avatar in the Real World out there is Micheal Feeney.

Take a Football linebacker, and stick him in a copier on reduce so that he comes out about 5'7".  Add brown hair, green eyes, a Fuzzy brown caterpiller on his upper lip he calls a mustache and a sense of humor pressed 10 degrees out of true.

You'll have a fairly close description.

He holds a bachelors degree in Business information Systems.  He does a lot of writing, and can often be found on line on AOL.

He is engaged to the light of his life, a lovely girl who he lives with now, north of Napa, California.

Micheal's other great love is Role Playing games.  Up until a few years ago, it was easier to list the games he didnt play regularly than the ones he did.  Sadly, the amount of time he had free to play has dropped over the years.

Most of his gaming takes place on line now, in the form of PBEM games, Including Virtual Mekton, "The Ghost" Shadowrun, and a pair of d20 Star Wars games.

WHen not involved in any of the above, he writes stories and programs and in general tinkers on his computer.

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