The Gallery:

The (Un)Usual Suspects:
I confess.  I got tired of everyone saying: Nice page, and nice opening graphics, but what do YOU look like?

I normally tell them "You dont really want to know."

But since I have told in no uncertain terms that people Really DO want to know,  (Including yourself, since you followed this link) I broke down and actually got some pictures scanned.

<<Bull Pucky.  I had to break into his desk and get them scanned when he wasnt looking!!-- The Commandant>>

And promply lost most of them to bad sectors on the floppy I was using.  ::sigh::

Anyway, for you snoops, Here is a pic of ME:
a pic of ME

And this is Luann, The Light of my life
LuLu in the snow

And these are her nieces Chyenne (on the left), and Ciji (On the other left)

Sometime when I have more time (and money... even if you do it yourself Kinko's is still expensive!  And lets not forget the concern of loosing pics to bad sectors like Happened before!)  I'll get some more Pic's scanned including the rest of the immediate family et all....

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whence you came
The Gallerey Foyer
The Main Concourse

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