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Description:Sex: MaleRace: Troll (Homo Sapiens Ingentis) Age: 19 Height: 2.3m (7'6") Weight: 450kg (992 lbs) Eyes: Steel GREY (100% Natural) Hair: Pale Blond, Almost silver, drawn into a shoulder length Ponytail Usual apperance: He normally wears a tan pesant smock with a V neck, loose black pants, and army boots. Anyone who asks him about the last gets a shrug and the comment "I need the ankle support". |
This fact allowed him to emerge from UGE expression into a troll at age 13 with his sanity reativly intact. His troll body soon allowed him to catch up in the physical arts of Shao-Lin, but his ability to quickly grasp complex concepts dimmed somewhat.
Many of the monks felt less than comfortable with Shane in their midst after that, though the temple master was able to keep these feelimgs in check, until an unfortunate training incident.
Shane was sparing with a fellow trainee who insulted Shane as "a hulking brute only kept around by the masters whim". Shane succumbed to rage and beat his fellow trainee within an inch of his life. This incident created an uproar within the enclave, until even the master had to bow to it. With regrets, he was forced to ask Shane to leave the enclave until Shane could learn to control himself.
Feeling shamed and humiliated, Shane left the enclave, and for the next year drifted about the bay area, seeking peace within himself. A year and a day after his "banishment", something prompted him to return to the enclave, only to find it wrecked and burning. Most of his teachers and fellow students were dead, with only the temple master clinging to life. In his dying words, the temple master assured Shane that he had grasped the spirit of Shao-Lin and warned him that someone seemed to be seeking out the Shao-Lin to destroy them.
After laying his master to rest, Shane knew what he must do. Comforted by his masters final words, he set aside the thought of revenge for his dead companions, but knew he must find and stop those who would destroy the Shao-Lin. He now runs the shadows, seeking to find information that will aid him in his overall quest to prevent the destruction of the Shao-Lin.
This makes Shane something other than your nomal shadowrunner. By nature of his training, Shane is about as unobtrusive as a troll can be. As a pysical specimen goes, he IS a troll, and his slight stature only becomes apparent when placed in comparison with other trolls. Shane looks about as human as anyone who stands 230cm tall and weights 450kg can. His tough skin, enlarged cannines and a distinct brow ridge are clearly not Human norm, however. He has steel grey eyes and long hair so fair as to appear almost silver, drawn up into a ponytail that reaches just below his shoulders. He speaks only when he has reason to, and his voice is calm and soft, though again, thats compared to other trolls. He normally wears a tan pesant smock with a V neck, loose black pants, and army boots. Anyone who asks him about the last gets a shrug and the comment "I need the ankle support".
Shane IS a pacifist, though not a total pacifist. He will NEVER kill deliberatly, though he knows that sometimes people die from their wounds. He will also never attack first, refusing to fight until all other options are exhausted. Shane seriously dislikes guns, feeling that they are only good for death and distruction. He doesnt understand those who use guns, feeling that those who carry them feel compelled to use them. He is puzzled by those who purchase cyber and bioware, because he doesnt understand what compels these people to give up pieces of their soul for a little bit of edge.
Shane is very minimalistic in his material outlook, prefering to conentrate on other things. His apartment has almost no modern convienences, and is almost like stepping back in time. Tami-mats on the floor, low tables, and a couple of futons are about it. Though he keeps some creds about for an emergancy, he usually donates most of his surplus earnings to various charities.
In between runs, Shane tends to spend his time helping those less fortunate than himself. Wiether taking in a lost waif or trying to stop gangers from harrasing shopowners, its all part of trying to make the world a better place. 'Robin Hood' runs appeal greatly to him.
Though originally born without a SIN, he has finally aquired a fake SIN (under the name Biturks ag Nog) to facilitate things like renting an apartment and traveling. For the most part, though, if he needs to go somewhere, he takes public transit to as close a point as possible and then walks.
Karma Awarded: 6
Good Karma 6
Karma pool 1
Body: | 3 (8) |
Quickness: | 6 (5) |
Strength: | 3 (7) |
Charisma: | 6 (4) |
Intelligence: | 6 (4) |
Willpower: | 6 (5) |
Magic: | 6 |
Essence: | 6 |
Reaction: | 4 (6) |
Initiative: | 1 (2) |
Combat pool: | 7 |
Money: | 997Y |
Unarmed Combat (Martial Arts) | 4 / 6 |
Polearm / Staff | 4 |
Athletics | 6 |
Stealth | 6 |
Negotiation | 3 |
Biotech (First Aid) | 2 / 4 |
Herbal Medicines | 4 |
Edible Plants | 4 |
Shao-Lin Lore | 4 |
Psychology | 4 |
Anatomy | 4 |
Language | Speak | Read/write |
English |
Mandarin (Chineese) |
Attribute Boost (Body) | 1 |
Attribute Boost (Quickness) | 1 |
Attribute Boost (Strength) | 1 |
Body Control | 1 |
Combat Sense | 2 |
Improved Reflexes | 1 |
Missile Parry |