Communique from Marshal Leonard D'Armand to his cousin, the Emperor:

Rodney, As of my last communique, conditions have worsened.  With the great success of their RIMS-06 Reeves, the Rebels of Nueva Terra have recalled all their old officer mecha and have replaced them with the Reno, which is a Reeves mecha without the expensive cloaking systems.  Fortunatly, While this decreases the cost of the mecha by a third, I believe that the cost per unit is still high enough to deny them the ability to field many more of these units than have already been seen.  I still implore you to bring the might of FIST intelligence down on Rutgers Industries... we must find where they are building these weapons and take them out as soon as possible, before the loss of moral amoungst my troups becomes so bad as to challenge the safety of my officers and nobels.


          Name:  RIM0-08 Reno
    Total Cost:   752 cp
Maneuver Value:    -4
  " Pool Bonus:   100 %
       Tonnage:    73 tns
     Ground MA:     5
     Flight MA:    10

Location  Class  Space  Used  Kills  Cost  Armour  Type  Absorp  DC  Cost
Torso      LH      14    14     14    14      8     LH      0     8   30
Head       MH       8     8      8     8      8     LH      0     8   24
R Arm      LH       8     8      8     8      8     LH      0     8   24
L Arm      LH       8     8      8     8      8     LH      0     8   24
R Leg      LH       8     8      8     8      8     LH      0     8   24
L Leg      LH       8     8      8     8      8     LH      0     8   24
Backpack   LH      14    14      0     7      8     LH      0     8   23
                                                        Cost:        173 cp
                                                      Weight:         55 tns

Name       WA  Rng  Dam  Sht  Kls   Loc    CP    Eff   Spc  TotCst  Spec
Flug gun   +1   12   10        10   Torso  16.8  5.1   10    21.9
Ammo                      20    3.4 Torso  16.8  0      3.4  16.8   Flechette
Pilum AMS  +1    1    1         1   L Arm   3.4  0      3.4   3.4   Anti Missle only BV 8
Ammo                      46    1.6 L Arm   1.6  0      1.6   1.6
Shield II Missile
            0    8    5    2    1   R Leg   5    0      5     5     BR=3,Smoke,Scatter
Gladius FASCAM Missile
            0    8    5    3    1   L Leg   6.6  0.3    6     6.9   BR=2,Fuse
Vibra-Sword 0    0    5  N/A    5   Binder  5    0      5     5     Armor Piercing
Hand (X2)   0    0    1  N/A    1   E Arm   2    0.5    0     5     Quick, Handy
                                                      Cost:  65.6   CP
                                                    Weight:  12.5   tns

Type       Location  Range  Comm  Kills  Cost  Effic.  Spaces  F.Cost
Main         Head     50    Plnt    4     32     0        1      32
ASP          Head                         10     0        2      10
Marine       Head                          2     0        1       2
R/R Anlyzr   Head                          5     0        1       5
Res. Enhnc   Head                          6     0        1       6   X64 Audio & Video
Targ. Anlyz  Head                          5     0        1       5
ECM          R Arm                  6     15     0        6      15   All modes @ Lvl 4
                                                        Cost:    75 cp
                                                      Weight:     5 tns

Movement Systems:
Type         MA   Location  Kills  Cost  Sp. Effic.  Space  Final Cost
Thrusters     8     POD       14    25      5.5       14      30.5
                                                        Cost: 30.5

Powerplant    Source    Explos. Save   MV   MA   M-Pool   Cost
Spchd Cool    Fusion          1        +2   +2       0    x0.3

Control System       M-Pool    Cost
Virtual, A, H         +33%     x0.05

Hydraulics        Space    +Melee Dmg    Lift    Cost
Normal              0           0          0       0

                                       P+C+H Cost Multiplier: x0.35
                                      P+C+H M-Pool Bonus(+%):  33 %

Other Multiplier Systems:
System         Cost     Space     Special
Env. Prot      x0.2       0       Arctic, Desert, Marine, Space
Man. Vern.     x0.1       5       +1 MV
ACE            x0.1       0       +67%
                                    Total "Other" Multiplier: x.4
                              Total "Other" M-Pool Bonus(+%): 67 %

Other Non-Multiplier Systems:
System         Spc   Effic.   Cost  Location  Notes
Micromanipulr   1      0        1   R Arm
Mil Kit         1      0        2   R Arm
Bogg Spray      1      0        3   L Arm
Slick Spray     1      0        3   L Arm
Ejection Seat   0      0        1   Head
Option pack 2   0      0        1             ACL w pager, Liftwire, spotlight
                                                        Cost: 11
                                                      Weight:  0

Location  Class  Type  DA  SP  DC  Absorp.  Space  Sp.Eff.  F.Cost  Notes
L Arm      LH    Std    0  8.3  8     0        1      0      36.3   5 sp Binder

Command Armor:
Location  Class  Type  SP  DC  Absorp.  Space  B.Mod  Cost  Notes
Head        AH   Beta   4   4     0       4      0     27   Spotting Radar
                                                        Cost: 27
                                                      Weight:  2 tns

Final costs:
     Cost (w/o Multipliers):  418 cp
                Base Weight:   77 tns
                Fuel Weight:    6 tns
                 New Weight:   83 tns
                  Base Cost:
   Cost (after Multipliers):  732.2 cp
   Efficency (     10 tons):   20 cp
  Cost (w/Efficency, links):  752.2 cp
               Final Weight:   73 tns
Remote Cost (Total for All):    0
        Command Armour Cost: Included in cost
                      Scale:  1/1
                Scaled Cost:  752.2 cp
              Scaled Weight:   73 tns
         (w/Command Armour):

Military Kit - Contains basic camp equipment and tools to make Mecha sized foxholes and booby traps.
Cost / Weight of command armor included in Multipliers

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