Excerpt from FIST MIA Report:

At this time, the newly fielded support unit of the Renegade Rutgers Industries is possibly the most versitle mecha on the battlefield.  Designed as a support mecha commanded by NCO's, its large number and variety of missles give it a firepower unmatched by the Grenadier.  However, the same missiles represent the most glaring weakness of the design... It is not capable of operations for extended periods without extensive re-supply.

The Roman's primary offensive punch comes from 8 'Javlin' missles stored in the chest.  These long range, heavy missles are the most destructive ever fielded by any side, capable of taking out the reactive shielding of a Marshal.  Nor did the designers stop there.  Stored in the right leg are 5 Sunburst missiles, capable of illuminating the battlefield.  In the Left are 2 Shield missles, each capable of obscuring an area 350 meters in diameter with an opaque anti lazer aresol capable of stoping the Hellfire MFL suite.  The weapon suite is rounded out with 3 Gladius FASCAM missles, capable of laying a 250 meter minefield with enough power to degrade the advanced armor on Grenadier and Marquis class designs.

In addition, the Roman carries a powerful electronics suite mounted in its right arm, capable of generating enough power to cover its squad mates.  It is further protected by refined armor of a type similar to that mounted on Marquis class officer unit, as well as a Pilum AMS.  The Pilum is a projectile based system, capable of knocking out more missles than any AMS system used by our military.  It is not known how much ammo can be stored for the weapon, but reports indicate that forces that have met Romans in battle have yet to see one run out of ammunition for it.

Probobly the most unsettling rumors are those that Rutgers is designing field improvment packages for this unit.  These packs are mounted to a modular fiting on the back of the unit in order to expand the capabilites of the unit.  We have not yet been able to confirm these rumors, but assuming that they are correct, we believe that their first priority would be to deploy units to carry additional ammuntion, sensors, or to provide jump capability.  Given the probable increase in lethality of the unit if Rutgers is able to carry through on this project, it is MIA's recommendation that the location of the factory that is producing these units be found and eliminated as a highest priority!

          Name: RIMN-04 Roman
    Total Cost:  343 cp
Maneuver Value:   -4
  " Pool Bonus:   33 %
       Tonnage:   51 tns
     Ground MA:    5
     Flight MA:    0

Location  Class  Space  Used  Kills  Cost  Armour  Type  Absorp  DC  Cost
Torso       MW     12    12     12    12      7    Beta    0      4  22.5
Head        MW      6     6      6     6      7    Beta    0      4  16.5
Arm (x2)    MW      7     7      7     7      7    Beta    0      4  17.5
Leg (x2)    MW      7     7      7     7      7    Beta    0      4  17.5
                                                      Cost:         109.0 cp
                                                      Weight:        48.0 tns

Name       WA  Rng  Dam  Sht  Kls   Loc    CP    Eff   Spc  TotCst  Spec
Javlin      0   14   15    8    8   Torso  12      0    12    12
Sunburst    0    7    4    5    1   R Leg   3      0     3     3    Flare, BR=1
Shield      0    8    5    2    1   L Leg   5      0     5     5    Smoke, Scatter, BR=3
Gladius     0    8    5    2    1   R Leg   4.4    0.2   4     4.6  BR=2, Fuse
Gladius     0    8    5    1    1   L Leg   2.2    0.1   2     2.3  BR=2, Fuse
Pilum AMS   2    0    1         1   L Arm   4.5    0     4.5   4.5  BV=8, AM Only
Ammo                      33    1.5 L Arm   1.5    0     1.5   1.5
VibraSwd    0    0    5  inf    5   Bind    5      0     5     5    Armor Piercing
Hands (x2)  0    0    1  inf    1   E Arm   2      0.5   0     5    Handy, Quick
                                                        Cost: 42.9  cp
                                                      Weight: 11    tns

Type       Location  Range  Comm  Kills  Cost  Effic.  Spaces  F.Cost
Main         Head      15   1500    2      9     0        1       9
Marine       Head                          2     0        1       2
ASP          Head                         10     0        2      10
ECM          R Arm                  4     20     2        4      22
                                                        Cost:    43 cp
                                                      Weight:     3 tns

Powerplant    Source    Explos. Save   MV   MA   M-Pool   Cost
Overch Cool   Fusion         1         +1   +1     0      0.15

Control System       M-Pool    Cost
Virutual, A,H          33%     0.05

Hydraulics        Space    +Melee Dmg    Lift    Cost
Normal              0          0           0       0
                                       P+C+H Cost Multiplier: x0.2
                                      P+C+H M-Pool Bonus(+%):  33%

Other Multiplier Systems:
System         Cost     Space     Special
Env. Prot      x0.2       0       Arctic, Desert, Space, Marine
                                    Total "Other" Multiplier: x0.2
                              Total "Other" M-Pool Bonus(+%):   0

Other Non-Multiplier Systems:
System         Spc   Effic.   Cost  Location  Notes
Bogg Spray      1       0       3   R Arm
Slick Spray     1       0       3   R Arm
Storage Mod     1       0       1   R Arm
Escape Pod      1       0       2   Head
QC Mount        0       0       1   Torso
Option Pack     0       0       1   ACL, Liftwire, Stereo, 2 spotlight
                         Cost: 10 cp
                       Weight:  0

Location  Class  Type  DA  SP  DC  Absorp.  Space  Sp.Eff.  F.Cost  Notes
LA          MW    STD   0  7.5  4     0       1       0     24.8    5 binder space

Final costs:
     Cost (w/o Multipliers):  231 cp
                Base Weight:   61 tns
                Fuel Weight:    0 tns
                 New Weight:   61 tns
                  Base Cost:  231 cp
   Cost (after Multipliers):  323 cp
   Efficency (     10 tons):   20 cp
  Cost (w/Efficency, links):  343 cp
               Final Weight:   51 tns
                      Scale:  1/1
                Scaled Cost:  343
              Scaled Weight:   51 tns


option 1: Flight. MW pod w 7sp DC4 armor.  MA 7 thrusters.  6 tns, 53.2 cp
option 2: Sea.    MW pod w 7sp DC4 armor.  MA 21 Hydrjets.  6 tns, 73.8 cp
Option 3: Storage MW Pod w 7sp DC4 armor.  12 spaces, 6tns  6 tns, 33.0 cp

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