Excerpt from officer traning manual "ANAOTM-45 Enemy Mecha Familiarization"

About 5 years ago, operations against a particularly rebelous frontier colony revealed to FIST planners a tactical gap in their arsnenal.  This weakness was that there were no units capable of stealthy operations behind enemy lines capable of gathering inteligence or performing commando operations.

In order to address this weakness, a crash program was implemented to develop a mecha to fill this new role.  Desginated the Sniper, in order to speed production and simplify supply lines, FIST designers adapted the Marquis officer suit for the task.  With its Ranger high powered lazer and extensive sensor suites, it was only needed to add additional cammoflauge systems to field a very effective commando type unit.  These additions are an anti radar stealth finish as well as active cloaking including fire control modifications, allowing the Sniper to attack from cover without revealing itself.  In addtion, its Jump jets allow the mecha to speed away from the site of an attack before the enemy has realized what happened.  In addtion, the installation of a Mil equipment pack pluss chemcial sprayers in its right arm allow it to hastly construct booby traps to deter pursiut, or hiding places from which to defeat even ASP grade sensors.

In addition to comando like duties, the Sniper functions as a scouting mecha, using its enhanced sensors and cloak to find and direct FIST forces onto the target.  Because of this, Every Batallion normaly fields one Company of Snipers in addition to its other forces.  These units are often deployed at the squad or fire team level to individual companies or platoons.  Due to the high per unit costs, Snipers are piloted by already acomplished senior NCO's with exceptional abilities in mecha operation.  If attacked by one, take cover and use your scouts to locate it before deploying the Militia's similarly equiped Rifleman to eliminate it.  If faced one on one, one's best bet is to take an aimed shot at the head, where 90% of the equipment that makes the mecha so leathal is located.

          Name: IMS-12 Sniper
    Total Cost: 557 cp
Maneuver Value:  -3
  " Pool Bonus: 100
       Tonnage:  59 tns
     Ground MA:   4
     Flight MA:   7

Location  Class  Space  Used  Kills  Cost  Armour  Type  Absorp  DC  Cost
Torso       MW     12    12     12    12     7     Beta    0      4  22.5
Head        LH      7     7      7     7     7     Beta    0      4  17.5
Arm (X2)    HS      6     6      6     6     7     Beta    0      4  16.5
Leg (X2)    MW      7     7      7     7     7     Beta    0      4  17.5
                                                        Cost:       108   cp
                                                      Weight:        43.5 tns

Name       WA  Rng  Dam  Sht  Kls   Loc    CP    Eff   Spc  TotCst  Spec
Ranger L   +1   13   10  inf   10    T     15    1.5    12    16.5
E-Phalanx  +1    8    4  inf    4    LA     6    1       4     7     Anti Missle Only
Shieldbustr+1    0    5   5     1.3  B      4    0       4     4     EMW, Rechargable
Hand (x2)   0    0    1  inf    1    EA     2    0       1     4
                                                        Cost: 31.5 cp
                                                      Weight:  8   tns

Type       Location  Range  Comm  Kills  Cost  Effic.  Spaces  F.Cost
Main        Head      30    3000    2     22     0        1      22
ASP         Head                          10     0        2      10
R. Enhnc    Head      64x                  6     0        1       6    Audio & Visual
R/R Anlyz   Head                           5     0        1       5
Marine St   Head                           2     0        1       2
ECM          RA                            6     1        2       7
                                                        Cost:    52
                                                      Weight:     3 tns

Movement Systems:
Type         MA   Location  Kills  Cost  Sp. Effic.  Space  Final Cost
Thruster      7    Leg        9     17        4        9      21
                                                        Cost: 21

Powerplant    Source    Explos. Save   MV   MA   M-Pool   Cost
Ovch HOT      Fusion          5        +1   +1    +33     x.15

Control System       M-Pool    Cost
Reflex Armord, H      +67      x0.1

Hydraulics        Space    +Melee Dmg    Lift    Cost
Normal              0          0           0       0
                                       P+C+H Cost Multiplier: 0.25x
                                      P+C+H M-Pool Bonus(+%): 100%

Other Multiplier Systems:
System         Cost     Space     Special
Stealth        x0.2       0
Cloak          x0.6       0       Active, Fire control
Env. Prot.     x0.2       0       Arctic, Dessert, Space, Marine
Man. Vern.     x0.1       5       2.5 E Leg, +1 MV
                                    Total "Other" Multiplier: 1.1x
                              Total "Other" M-Pool Bonus(+%):   0

Other Non-Multiplier Systems:
System         Spc   Effic.   Cost  Location  Notes
Mil Pack        1      0        2   RA
Bogg Spray      1      0        3   RA
Slick Spray     1      0        3   RA
                                                        Cost: 8
                                                      Weight: 0

Location  Class  Type  DA  SP  DC  Absorp.  Space  Sp.Eff.  F.Cost  Notes
LA          MW    STD  -2  7.5  4     0       1       0       16.5  5sp Binder

Final costs:
     Cost (w/o Multipliers): 216 cp
                Base Weight:  59 tn
                Fuel Weight:   6 tn
                 New Weight:  65 tn
                  Base Cost: 237 cp
   Cost (after Multipliers): 557 cp
   Efficency (      0 tons):   0 tn
  Cost (w/Efficency, links): 557 cp
               Final Weight:  65 Tn
                      Scale: 1/1
                Scaled Cost: 557 cp
              Scaled Weight:  65 tn

The Mil kit not only includes camping gear, but mecha sized tools suitable for hasty creation of bunkers or mecha sized foxholes for concealment.

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