Excerpt from officer traning manual "ANAOTM-45 Enemy Mecha Familiarization"

The IMO-07 Marquis is the standard FIST unit assigned to Platoon and Company commanders.  It carries the heaviest beam weapon assigned to a Line unit, it's also one of the few FIST units equiped with jump jets, to allow the unit commander to move quickly amongst his subordinate units.  Because of the high power of its main weapon and improved mobility, it is also the prefered unit of Aces not high enough in prestige or rank to aquire a custom designed mecha.

The high power of the Ranger Lazer made the Multiple functions of the Hellfire weapon system impractical, forcing the addition of a secondary Anti missile weapon.  With the addition of the heavier sensors suite required by FIST doctrine for officer grade units, even the larger head module didn't have enough room for all the equipment, forcing the removal of the ejection system.  While initaly very unpopular because of this fact, FIST doctrine of placing Officer units behind their companies and using their heavier sensors to pick out targets has minimized this defect, as well as the ECM carried by the unit.

Unlike the main body units, Marquis are issued to a specific officer, and remains with him when transfered to another posting.  Because of this, and the myriad of postings to which an officer can be placed, the Marquis carries a wide array of environmental protections.  Also, because FIST officers are often low ranking nobles, special emphasis was placed on providing for creature comforts, carrying a camp kit that provides a comfortable climate controled tent, collapsable furniture, and food storage and preparation facilities.  It does not however, provide for the servants to operate them, forcing the officer to either 'hire' local talent or fend for himself.

          Name: IMO-07 Marquis
    Total Cost: 331 cp
Maneuver Value: -5
  " Pool Bonus: 67%
       Tonnage: 65 tns
     Ground MA: 4
     Flight MA: 7

Location  Class  Space  Used  Kills  Cost  Armour  Type  Absorp  DC  Cost
Torso       MW    12     12    12     12      7    Beta     0     4  22.5
Head        LH     7      7     7      7      7    Beta     0     4  17.5
Arm (x2)    HS     6      6     6      6      7    Beta     0     4  16.5
Leg (x2)    MW     7      7     7      7      7    Beta     0     4  17.5
                                                        Cost: 108   cp
                                                      Weight:  43.5 tns

Name       WA  Rng  Dam  Sht  Kls   Loc    CP    Eff   Spc  TotCst  Spec
Ranger Lsr +1   13   10  inf  10     T     15    1.5   12    16.5
E-Phalanx  +1    8    4  inf   4     LA     6    1      4     7     Anti Missle
Shieldbstr +1    0    5   5    1.3   B      4           4     4     Rechargeable
Hand (x2)   0    0    1  inf   1     EA     2    0      1     4     Quick, Handy
                                                      Cost:  31.5 cp
                                                    Weight:   8   tns

Type       Location  Range  Comm  Kills  Cost  Effic.  Spaces  F.Cost
Main         Head     30    3000    2     22     0       1       22
ASP          Head                         10     0       2       10
R. Enhc.     Head     64x                  6     0       1        6    Audio&Visual
R/R Anlyz    Head                          5     0       1        5
Marine       Head                          2     0       1        2
ECM           RA                    4     10     0       4       10    All modes @ 3
                                                        Cost:    55 cp
                                                      Weight:     3 tns

Movement Systems:
Type         MA   Location  Kills  Cost  Sp. Effic.  Space  Final Cost
Thruster      7     Leg      4.5    9.5     2.5       4.5       24
                                                        Cost:   24 cp

Powerplant    Source    Explos. Save   MV   MA   M-Pool   Cost
Std. Cold     Fusion          1        +0   +0      0     x0

Control System       M-Pool    Cost
Reflex, Head          +67      x0.1

Hydraulics        Space    +Melee Dmg    Lift    Cost
Normal              0         0            0       0
                                       P+C+H Cost Multiplier: 0.1
                                      P+C+H M-Pool Bonus(+%): 67%

Other Multiplier Systems:
System         Cost     Space     Special
Env. Prot      x0.2       0       Arctic, Dessert, Space, Marine
Manuver Vern.  x0.1       5       2.5 e Leg +1 MV
                                    Total "Other" Multiplier: 0.3
                              Total "Other" M-Pool Bonus(+%):

Other Non-Multiplier Systems:
System         Spc   Effic.   Cost  Location  Notes
Camp Pack       1      0        2      RA     Everything to camp in comfort
                                                        Cost: 2

Location  Class  Type  DA  SP  DC  Absorp.  Space  Sp.Eff.  F.Cost  Notes
LA          MW    STD  -2  7.5  4     0        1      0      16.5   5 spc Binder

Final costs:
     Cost (w/o Multipliers): 237 cp
                Base Weight:  59 tn
                Fuel Weight:   6 tn
                 New Weight:  65 tn
                  Base Cost: 237 cp
   Cost (after Multipliers): 331 cp
   Efficency (      0 tons):   0
  Cost (w/Efficency, links): 331
               Final Weight:  65
                      Scale: 1/1
                Scaled Cost: 331 cp
              Scaled Weight:  65 tns



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