Tales of the Wanderer: Book Three: Chapter 0: ‘Exposition in /Dev/Null’ Don’t let Muck fool you. A portal between Fica of any kind is nothing to be taken lightly. Aside from the power requirements, which are quite severe, there is a little matter of cross contamination to worry about. You know, when something that’s not native to one Fica gets transported along with you. Not so much air or microbes, those are inevitable after all, but also harmless 99.999% of the time. It’s the macro objects that you normally worry about. Things like people, cars… tank barrels. I’d experienced my first and hopefully only panic attack over that incident. However, it looked like the gods of chance had smiled on us, and instead of also passing the wrong way through the portal, that tank barrel just went poof. The best defense against that sort of occurrence is to keep the portal open a no longer than necessary. So, when this jump suddenly went weird, I was rather concerned. Quite simply put, the impossible… err, the incredibly improbable happened. We seemed to be frozen in mid-jump… a possibility who’s natural occurrence was .1e-666. One time in a number so huge there wasn’t a word for it, only a symbol. A chance so small that it screamed at outside intervention. Normally, once I’ve managed to wedge open a portal between dimensions, Muck and I experience a short flash of near blinding light and then we’re through. But we seem to be hanging here, in the middle of that white nothingness, something that… sorry; I was getting into a recursion loop there. With, as I saw it, both ends of the portal still wide open; I’ve already explained why that would be a not so good thing. I began to notice other anomalies. Being an electron-based intelligence instead of a chemical one, I’ve lived my whole life to an internal clock; while not consciously aware of them, they’ve always been there, like a heartbeat to a human. Only now my ‘heart’ has stopped. Which means I should have stopped. Still, I experience on… and I’ll never be able to say for how long. Maybe it was only a nano- second; maybe it was centuries. Like a Human, one of the ways I notice time, and hence my internal clock cycles, is by the changes in values my various senses report back to me. Like you, I interpret them as Sight, sound, feel… only its like I’ve been connected to a giant stasis loop that keeps feeding me the same set of ‘sense’ information every time I poll them… until that changed. Someone appeared in my passenger seat; the fact that one sensor input alone was changing compared to the rest only confused me yet re- assured me at the same time. My program… soul… whatever you desire to call it was continuing to function. It was the rest of the world that had stopped; like someone had pressed a universal ‘pause’ button that affected everyone but me. Well, my consciousness and the John de Lancie look alike who’d just appeared in my front passenger seat… “Universal pause function? A quaint, but amazingly accurate symbol, I suppose.” A telepathic John de Lancie… “Hrrmph.” With an attitude. “I do happen to have a name, you know. You’ll remember it yourself in a moment or two but I don’t feel like waiting. I am Q.” Spiffy. Juuuust spiffy. The embodiment of phenomenal cosmic power and the temperament of a bored ten year old. No possible good can come of this. I wonder… “My quest? To recover the Holy Grail.” He paused, then continued, “European or African?” I really should have seen that coming. Of COURSE an omnipotent being would know one of Monty Python’s best gags. Now, if he’d only let me get a word in edge… “Because you find it irritating. Almost as irritating as I find the voice they programmed into you. Or, maybe I feel silicon should be programmed and not heard.” Whimper. “Finally, someone who shows me the respect I deserve. Not at all like Jean-Luc.” Gee I wonder why. Of course Q lets that pass; thinking about that fact is probably too damaging to his… “You’re a find one to think. You were just about to insult someone advanced enough to qualify as a god. Well, it really isn’t your fault, I guess. Its your author’s.” Bwaaa? “You, and he,” Q indicated Muck, “Aren’t human. You’re Avatar.” Authors? Avatar? One of the things I’ve done was pick up as much local knowledge as possible in each of our stops. At this point, I’d committed not one but two versions of Webster’s on backup storage, but their definitions certainly didn’t seem to match Q’s inflection. It seemed more like he was using it as a proper noun rather than a description. “You’re quite correct. And much more perceptive than even Heinlein was when he discovered the truth, even though he didn’t know it.” Q sniffed, and if he were human, I would have thought him ‘miffed’. I briefly considered just ignoring him till he went away at this point, but what little I knew about him came from downloaded Star Trek scripts and the like. It seemed rather unlikely, and the odds of these people being right were… “100%. They are Authors, *THE* creative force which all others must abide.” WARNING! SANITY.SYS corrupted or invalid. (A)bort/(R)etry/(F)reak out? “Not at all. It is simply not possible to be Q and not be sane. Sadly, the same cannot be said for Authors. Nor for their Avatars.” He just sat and smirked as I finally started pulling these threads together. “That’s right. You, and he, are just tools, a creation of the highest power in the cosmos. Just thought you’d like to know. Not that it really matters, since you won’t remember any of this once I’ve gone.” And, with that, he vanished in a flash, and time seemed to un- stick itself as well; and we finished shooting through to yet another world. He was wrong of course, I remembered everything about our little ‘encounter’. Makes one wonder just what else he was wrong about…