Welcome to Communications Central: Your clearing house for all the latest
news about Ranger HQ.
04/01/2004 Heh. Its April fools day. Unfortuately (or not?) the only update was a minor site reorg to fix some things I broke last time I tried tinkering with the site. 01/1/2004:
Welcome to the brave new world of 2004. Unfortunatly, from a writing standpoint I've become, at best, lazy and disorganized, which is why there hasnt been anything new on the TotW Front. I apologize for that, and hearby resolve to try and do better about that during 2004.
Geez, where has the last year gone? Nothing much to mention on the 'Authorial commentary part'.
08/01/2002: Well,
all good things must come to an end. Today pretty much marks the
end of a long association with Talkcity. I'm not given to change
for the sake of change, as most of you know. However, once I had
finished Totw2-13 and went to upload it, I found I could no longer upload
directly to my site. To add insult to injury, I couldnt get access
any other way either! So, its pretty much left me with no choice
but to make the migration to 50megsfree.com I'm too cheap to upgrade
to the service level that does give me ftp access, but at least I can access,
understand, and utilize their document management system; and that's why
the move.
10/08/2001: Some
words of Wisdom from fellow Author Bob Shroeck:
09/05/2001: All
quiet on the updates, front, you think? Not really... I've
put up several chapters for TotW over the last 6 weeks, I've just been
too lazy to update this What's new page. Silly me. :p All completed
chapters through Chapter 10 are now up, Chapter 11 is in pre-read, and
will probobly be posted in the next two weeks. Chapter 12, which
may or may not become a two parter, is about 20% complete, so don't expect
it until sometime in October, most likely.
02/23/2001: Wall
now lets see... Its been what... 6 months!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! But I do have
not one, but TWO new chapters up for TOTW, as well as some artwork of mine,
if I ever get the Courage to show them. I do apologize, somewhat...
bit of a problem recently being able to access the site to update it.
8/23/2000: Its
definatly been a good news bad news sort of month. Chapter 6 of TOTW
2 isnt done yet... its only about 75% there. The good news is that
Mission control is finally open. The bad? Its not complete.
The campaing setting for the Second American Revolution is up, but there
are still some things that need to be finished, and I havent even started
HTML's for the Road Warrior campaing setting yet. Still, its something
to look forward to, I guess....
Welcome to the newest (Major) addition to Ranger HQ. Pretty simple
and straight forward, really... This page, where from now on you
can check to see what, if anything, has been updated here at the HQ.
This side is Author's Rants and News, etc... The other column is
for actuall changes to the page: Including when I get around to posting
new fiction to the site. I also know that Mission Central has sat
around unopened for over a year now, but I promise I'll get something up
for it... eventually. |